Here's some guidelines for processing a run  
as used on the Spring/Summer 1993 E852 data.

1) Find where the run resides. (It may be on more than one tape!)
   grep 'brun XXXX' $E852_TAPES/*.tdb
         (where 'brun XXXX' is the run number)
2) Position the tape.
Once the run number has been decided, mount the variable tape containing 
the desired run and position the tape at the correct run number using:
~e852/bin/seekItape xxxx  directory.
Before running the Dispatcher make sure that there is an itape directory
available for the Dispatcher to write to and that the Dispatcher is submitted
from the proper directory.

The environment variable E852_DISPATCHER defines the dispatcher node.

4) Start the analyzer.
   /home/weygand/weygand/bin/a1 -s0 -p -d0x6 -m10 &
   The analyzer may also be started using the msub command.
   msub 1 
   This command requires two arguments: where to run the analyzer
   and how many analyzer job to run on that node.

   The standard numbers are:      4  6      4   2

5) Start To Feed the Data
   ~e852/bin/feedFromFile -rXXXX /dev/mxnv
   Usually this job is started after one analyzer job has been submitted.

Note:If you are running the feedFromFile from physgi01 you must reference the tape
drive as /dev/mxnnrnsv.high

General Info:

Past processed runs are on tar tapes in room 2-74.
Go to the drawer with the red label.  Info on these tapes are in

If you  process a run please try to note which variable tape the run came from
in case that particular run is on more than one tape.

Help may be obtained on the Dispatcher by typing : Dispatcher -h
Help may be obtained on the analyzer by typing: a1 -h

Use tapeman to alloc a drive on physgi01. Type tapeman show to get information.