E852 Documentation: Data Acquisition System

E852 Documentation: Data Acquisition System

FAQ about DAQ
Frequently asked questions about DAQ
E852 DAQ overview
Old (and partially obsolete) note by N.Sinev, 1992
Fastbus and CAMAC access library
Fastbus/CAMAC library manual (html version, CO 1995-03-26).
Fastbus and CAMAC access
Fastbus/CAMAC library manual (Postscript version, slightly old, AO 1992-10-08).
CAMAC hardware map
Description of CAMAC hardware locations and usage

Hardware Overview

Software Overview

Main software components

User Interface Programs

DAQ State Diagram

The DAQ system is best described as a finite state automata. It has the following states-
  1. 'off' - ground state. No DAQ programs are running.
  2. 'No data source' - some DAQ programs are running, but DAQio is not running.
  3. 'Not initialized' - the DAQ software is ready, the Fastbus hardware is not initialized yet.
  4. 'Initializing...' - the Fastbus system is being initialized.
  5. 'No run' - the system fully initialized, ready to start a run.
  6. 'Running' - the DAQ is taking data.
  7. 'Paused' - data taking is paused.

The transition between these states are initiated by sending messages to the 'DAQio' process, usually by pressing the corresponding buttons on the 'DAQcontrol' panel.

The state transition diagram is given below.

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