E852 Documentation: GROUP_DVMS


Short description

This group contains data read at BOS from the CAMAC DVM located in the CAMAC crate 1 in the MPS Control Room.

Channel assignements

Channel    Description

      3  - MPS hall probe, same as the DVM near the magnet control panel in the Ctlr Room.

starting from run 9986:

   1001  - beam PWC A1 high voltage (scale: (approximately) 0=0 kV, 65535=10kV)
   1002  - beam PWC A2 high voltage
   1003  - beam PWC A3 high voltage
   1004  - beam PWC A4 high voltage
   1005  - beam PWC A5 high voltage
   1006  - beam PWC A6 high voltage
   1101  - TPX1 high voltage
   1102  - TPX2 high voltage
   1103  - TPX3 high voltage

others- unknown


//CO 1995-02-05