E852 Documentation: GROUP_TEMP_PROBES


Short description

This group is generated from the readout of 48 channels of CAMAC digital voltmeter located in the LGD hut. They contain information about:



These DVM channels are read out at the beginning of every spill. The calibration of the probes are approximately as follows:

The map of channels to physical position is as follows:
Channel and Location

1			Crate 0 of LGD ADC's
2 Crate 0 of LGD ADC's
3 Crate 0 of LGD ADC's
4 LGD Hut ambient air temperature
5 Crate 1 of LGD ADC's
6 Crate 1 of LGD ADC's
7 Crate 1 of LGD ADC's
8 LGD Hut Air Conditioner temperature
9 Crate 2 of LGD ADC's
10 Crate 2 of LGD ADC's
11 Crate 2 of LGD ADC's
12 LGD Hut ambient air temperature
13 Crate 3 of LGD ADC's
14 Crate 3 of LGD ADC's
15 Crate 3 of LGD ADC's
16 LGD Hut Air Conditioner temperature
ON THE FLOOR: 17 MPS experimental floor air temperature 18 Beam right vertical brake 19 Beam right ball screw 20 Beam left vertical brake 21 Beam left ball screw 22 Vertical driver speed reducer 23 Vertical drive motor 24 Vertical drive motor 25 Inner frame of LGD 26 MPS experimental floor air temperature 27 Horizontal drive motor 28 Horizontal drive motor 29 Horziontal drive speed reducer 30 Horziontal drive speed reducer 31 EVBV positon readout 32 Horizontal drive mount IN THE DARKROOM 33 Cellular wall East side (upper) 34 Cellular wall East side (lower) 35 Cellular wall East side (middle) 36 Darkroom Air Conditioner output 37 Cellular wall West side (middle) 38 Cellular wall West side (upper) 39 Cellular wall West side (lower) 40 Cellular wall (top) 41 Cellular wall (top) 42 Cellular wall (top) 43 Cellular wall (top) 44 Humidity (dakroom center) 45 Humidity (west vent from front of detector) 46 Humidity (east vent from front of detector) 47 MPS floor humidity (outside the darkroom) 48 EVBV position


** 17 Jan 95 JG