
H9 channel assignments

The 32 H9 channels are assigned as follows:

bottom 16 paddles: channels 101 through 116
top 16 paddles:    channels 201 through 216

Within each group the channel numbers increase with the positive-X direction. Channel X01 is farthest from the MPS control room, channel X16 is closest to the MPS control room.

H9 ADC and TDC channel assignments

TDC ChannelADC ChannelPaddle nameSoftware Channel
64 32 1B 101
65 33 1T 201
66 34 2B 102
67 35 2T 202
68 36 3B 103
69 37 3T 203
70 38 4B 104
71 39 4T 204
72 40 5B 105
73 41 5T 205
74 42 6B 106
75 43 6T 206
76 44 7B 107
77 45 7T 207
78 46 8B 108
79 47 8T 208
80 48 9B 109
81 49 9T 209
82 50 10B 110
83 51 10T 210
84 52 11B 111
85 53 11T 211
86 54 12B 112
87 55 12T 212
88 56 13B 113
89 57 13T 213
90 58 14B 114
91 59 14T 214
92 60 15B 115
93 61 15T 215
94 62 16B 116
95 63 16T 216

H9 data groups

The following groups are used to store H9 information:

GROUP_H9_ADCS  --- H9 ADC information (if H9 signals go to ADCs)
GROUP_H9_TDCS  --- H9 TDC information
GROUP_H9_HITS  --- H9 hits information, combined from the ADCs and TDCs,
                   including ADC threshold cuts and TDC time window
                   cuts. In this group hits do not repeat and are stored
                   in the order of increazing channel numbers.
GROUP_H9_MC_HITS - H9 hits generated by MonteCarlo

H9 parameters stored in the Map

The H9 ADC thresholds (if ADCs are used) and TDC time window parameters are stored in the Map file vetoes.Map, subsystem h9, items adc_min, tdc_min and tdc_max

H9 geometry package

The H9 geometry packagedefinitions are stored in the C header file h9geom.h

Following definitions are available:

Konstantin Olchanski

Last modified: Mon Feb 10 19:38:13 EST