E852 Documentation: Detectors: Tcyl

E852 Documentation: Detectors: Tcyl

Target Cylindrical Wire Chamber

Tcyl is a cylindrical wire proportional chamber detector which surrounds the target of E852. As a trigger element, TCYL identifies single large-angle recoil proton tracks emerging from the target and vetoes events with more than one large-angle track. It also detects the absence of such tracks for processes involving a recoil neutron. As an off-line tracking device, TCYL measures the recoil proton trajectory which in this experiment has lab angles of typically 50 to 60 degrees and momenta between 0.1 and 1.7 GeV/c. In the off-line analysis, TCYL is used in the overall event reconstruction including the localization of the production vertex. Tcyl was designed and constructed by the High Energy Physics Group from the University of Massachusetts-- Dartmouth.

The following memos are not yet currently available:

Tcyl numbering system
Analysis of Tcyl
Calibration for 1994 run
Procedure for calibrating the tcyl