E852 Documentation: The MPS Alignment Program

E852 Documentation: The MPS Alignment Program


The MPS Alignment program, 'mpsAlign' produces MPS wire chamber alignment and calibration parameters and various chamber diagnostic information.

Wire chamber parameters

In addition to parameters store in the 'space.db' file in the 'db-files.Map' map manager file, derived from the 'je852.par' master parameter file, each chamber has additional parameters stored in the 'space.Map' map manager file.

MPS PWC (beam and TPX) parameters

The TPX chambers have only the 'offset' and 'exclude' entries.

MPS Drift Chamber parameters

These chambers have the 'offset', 'exclude', 'd0', 't0', 'driftv' and 'tdc_min' parameters.

TDX4 parameters

TDX4 uses the 'offset', 'exclude', 'd0', 't0', 'driftv', 'tdc_min' and 'tdc_max' parameters.

Alignment Modes

The MPS Alignment program can operate in different modes:

Usage of the alignment program

See the 'mpsAlign' usage by running 'mpsAlign -h'.

In case of inconsistencies between this document and 'mpsAlign -h', the output of 'mpsAlign -h' should be assumed to be more correct.

Switches are:

A typical command would be:

     > mpsAlign -r7027 -f0 -p25,40 -F1 run7072.dat -H

Output of the Alignment Program

The alignment program produces the following output:

Stdout output

This section is supposed to explain the output printed by 'mpsAlign'


The alignment program writes the alignment results in the auto.align.db. Tho store these results into the Map Manager, run the following command:
      > storeMM auto.align.db
The typical output of this program looks like this:
loki % storeMM auto.align.db
param.loadDatabase: Loading database 'align-setup'      for run 7060...from the Map Manager
Alignment file auto.align.db, run 7060 would be stored as run 7060
Processing chambers: TDX4A.t.d.v.o.TDX4B.t.d.v.o. done.
loki % 

Usually, the 'storeMM' program uses the run number written into the 'auto.align.db' file by the 'mpsAlign' program which takes the run number from it's -rRRRR argument. However, one can save the alignment results into an arbitrary run number by putting the run number as second argument on the 'storeMM' command line, for example:

      > storeMM auto.align.db 7060


This section is supposed to explain the meaning of various histograms produced by the 'mpsAlign' program.
//CO 09 May 1994
//CO 18 Dec 1994