E852 Documentation: Software: Programs
Most programs live in the ~e852/bin area and most of those require
the usual E852_xxxx environment variables to be defined.
To define those, 'source /home/mpsdaq/e852/daq/setup'.
For additional information, contact
Dennis Weygand,
Sasha Ostrovidov or
Const Olchanski.
- Moments
- Instructions for running the programs LogMoments and EsrMoments, which are used to
compare experimental moments calculated from data and predicted by a PWA fit.
- pBin
- Perl front-end script for predict and SelectWeight. Used to create
a set of events which reflect physics distributions "predicted" by a PWA fit.
- rescaleNI
- Program
for rescaling and modifying normalization integrals.
- e852sccs
- GUI interface to the e852 SCCS code management system.
- dumpItape
- General purpose data dump program. It understands most of itape groups and raw data formats.
- groupDump
- X/Motif version of dumpItape
- event
- The E852 graphical X11/Motif-based wonderful event display program.
- tcyl
- The E852 graphical GL/X11/Motif-based target area display program.
- a1
- The E852 online/offline analysis program.
- Alarm
- The E852 alarm system: the Alarm display
- Xlog
- The X11/Motif interface for the online error logging system.
- xmapbrowser
- The X11/Motif based tool to browse/edit Map Manager files.
- printPedestals
- The program to print pedestals for any run for any subsystem. The usage is: 'printPedestals ', where is (for example) 'tcyl.adc' or 'csi.adc'
or 'misc.adc'.
- sage
- The E852 montecarlo- event generator.
- SaGen
- The E852 montecarlo- tracking information generator.
- geant
- The E852 GEANT Monte Carlo
Plus much more stuff that I forgot to include in this list...