Usage: sq97 [switches] fileOut (unless -o specified)] Decay mnemonics used by sq97: pi0 : pi0 -> gamma gamma eta2g : eta -> gamma gamma eprm2g : eta' -> gamma gamma eta3pi : eta -> pi+ pi- pi0 eta3pi0 : eta -> pi0 pi0 pi0 omg3pi : omega -> pi+ pi- pi0 eprmepp : eta' -> eta(-> gamma gamma) pi+ pi- eprmepp0 : eta' -> eta(-> gamma gamma) pi0 pi0 eprme3pipp : eta' -> eta(-> pi+ pi- pi0) pi+ pi- eprme3pipp0 : eta' -> eta(-> pi+ pi- pi0) pi0 pi0 eprme3pi0pp : eta' -> eta(-> pi0 pi0 pi0) pi+ pi- eprme3pi0pp0 : eta' -> eta(-> pi0 pi0 pi0) pi0 pi0 K0 : K0 -> pi+ pi- at secondary vertex K0prompt : K0 -> pi+ pi- prompt decays K02pi0 : K0 -> pi0 pi0 prompt decays -A Specify auxiliary squaw event-selection hypothesis. is an 8 digit number, where the digits specify the number of particles from specific decays (right-to-left, from mnemonics listed above):, eta3pi, eta3pi0, eprmepp, eprmepp0, eprme3pipp, eprme3pipp0, eprme3pi0pp, eprme3pi0pp0. Note that sq97 will not try unrequested hypotheses if both A and S are used to specify the final state hypothesis. If only one of A or S are used, this time-saving (ie, cpu-saving) feature will not be in effect. Originally, squaw would try all possible hypothesis, but write only the one specified (with S). -B Skip BOS/EOS events (ie, don't write them). -C= Specify squaw confidence level cut for main vertex fits, if is mv, or for the named constrained decay: (see mnemonics listed above) pi0, eta2g, eprm2g, eta3pi, eta3pi0, omg3pi, eprmepp, eprmepp0, eprme3pipp, eprme3pipp0, eprme3pi0pp, eprme3pi0pp0, K0, K0prompt, K02pi0. ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 cutting out everything and 0 cutting nothing. -D Drop bachelor gamma in main vertex fits. -E Recreate GROUP_ESR_NPARTICLE from GEO_TRACKS and C9HITS. -F Specify auxiliary squaw event-selection required decay hypothesis. is an 8 digit number, where the digits specify the number of particles from specific decays (right-to-left, from mnemonics listed above):, eta3pi, eta3pi0, eprmepp, eprmepp0, eprme3pipp, eprme3pipp0, eprme3pi0pp, eprme3pi0pp0. Used in conjunction with the -G switch. -G=, Specify squaw event-selection required decay hypothesis. is a 10 digit number, where the digits specify the number of particles in a required decay (right-to-left): pi-, pi+, pi0, eta, etaPrime, bachelor gamma, omega, K-, K+ and K0 Shorthand key of digits (this appears in debug messages): (K) 0+-og'h0+- (pi). Example: 0100000001 (1 Kp,1 pim) and specify the range of effective mass for the decay. If not specified, no cut is done, and any value of effective mass is valid, as long as the decay was found. Used in conjunction with the -F switch. -H Create squaw debugging histograms, with optional <title>. If <title> is specified, E852's hist package will be used. If <title> is not specified, CERN's HBOOK package will be used. -I Re-identify particle type in GEO_TRACKS tracks (not beam). Use with -K for kaons. -J Produce msg journal file. -K Tag kaons (needed if particleType not set in GEO_TRACKS). Use with -I to force re-identification of particleType. -L Redo the LGD clusters. -M<number> Specify maximum number of events. -N<hypothesis> Specify baryon event-selection hypothesis. <hypothesis> is a 2 digit number, where the digits specify the number of particles (right-to-left): P-, P+ Shorthand key of digits (this appears in debug messages): +- (P/anti-P). Example: 10 (1 proton, 0 anti-protons) ====== This is not yet fully implemented. ====== -P<mark> Produce squaw pulls, GROUP_SQUAW_SVP and _MVP. <mark> is optional. If specified, accumulate pulls only for fits with squaw mark=<mark>. -Rmps<value> Rescale MPS tracks by <value>. -Rbeam<value> Rescale beam tracks by <value>. -Rlgd<value> Rescale LGD gammas by <value>. -S<hypothesis> Specify squaw event-selection hypothesis. <hypothesis> is a 10 digit number, where the digits specify the number of particles (right-to-left): pi-, pi+, pi0, eta, etaPrime, bachelor gamma, omega, K-, K+ and K0 Shorthand key of digits (this appears in debug messages): (K) 0+-og'h0+- (pi). Example: 0312 (0 eta,3 piz,1 pip,2 pim) Note that sq97 will not try unrequested hypotheses if both A and S are used to specify the final state hypothesis. If only one of A or S are used, this time-saving (ie, cpu-saving) feature will not be in effect. Originally, squaw would try all possible hypothesis, but write only the one specified (with S). -T<topology> Select <topology> for squaw to fit and identify decays. Use -Tall to select all defined decay topologies. Multiple -T<topology> selections may be specified. Main vertex fits depend only on these constrained mass decays: <topology> Decay Mode Affected 2gamma (pi0/eta/eta' -> 2 gamma) (This is always on and needn't be specified.) 3piNeutral (eta/omega->pi+ pi- pi0 eta->3pi0) eta2piNeutral (eta'->eta pi+ pi- eta'->eta pi0 pi0) (Requires 3piNeutral if eta->3pi/3pi0 is wanted) K02pi (K0->pi+ pi- & K0->pi0 pi0 The others, listed below, are useful only for producing various diagnostic histograms. (pion decays) 2piNeutral 4piNeutral 5piNeutral 6piNeutral 2piCharged 3piCharged 4piCharged 5piCharged 6piCharged (Note that 2piNeutral does not select K0 decays.) (eta decays) etaPiNeutral eta3piNeutral etaPiCharged eta2piCharged eta3piCharged etaEta etaEtaPiNeutral etaEtaPiCharged (omega decays) omegaPiNeutral omega2piNeutral omegaPiCharged omega2piCharged omegaOmega omegaEta (eta' decays) eprmPiNeutral eprm2piNeutral eprmPiCharged eprm2piCharged eprmEta (gamma decays) 3gamma 4gamma 5gamma 6gamma 7gamma 8gamma 9gamma 10gamma gammaPiNeutral gamma2piNeutral gammaPiCharged gamma2piCharged gammaEta gammaOmega gammaEprm (kaon decays) Kpi K2pi K3pi K4pi Keta KetaPi Keta2pi Komega KomegaPi KomegaEta KomegaOmega Keprm KeprmPi Kgamma KgammaPi KgammaEta KK KKpi KK2pi KKeta KKomega KKomegaPi KKeprm KKgamma 3K 3Kpi 4K (See also the -s switch, affecting which Kshorts are used.) -U Update histogram file every 200 events (affects only HBOOK hists) -W Run in "Watch" mode: monitor Ks, lambda, K*(892), Pi0 and eta masses. -b Same as -bK. -bpi Use one squaw mass bank: for unknown particle ID, try pion hypothesis. -bK Use two squaw mass banks: for unknown particle ID, try pion and kaon hypotheses. -bP Use two squaw mass banks: for unknown particle ID, positive particles, try pion and proton hypotheses; for kaon ID, try kaon and proton hypotheses. -dF Debug messages for fits. -dI Debug messages for inputs. -dO Debug messages for Main Vertex outputs. -dP Debug messages for Decay Vertex outputs. -dT Debug messages for topology trials (squaw etype calls). -dm Debug with msg shared-memory mode -- see msg documentation. -h Print this message -m<number> Specify number of events to skip. -o<fileOut> Specify name of output file (default is stdout). -rlambda Use lambda as recoil mass instead of neutron, if neutral recoil. -s<name> Specify squaw97 selection, one of: K02pi0, K0prompt, NoDecayMV Squaw always tries K0 -> pi+ pi- (vee), if there are secondary vertices. Note that the K0prompt and K02pi0 switches do not affect each other, nor do they affect, nor are they affected by, K0 -> pi+ pi- (vee). K0prompt permits Kshorts to come from pi+ pi- prompt decays. K02pi0 permits Kshorts to come from pi0 pi0 decays. NoDecayMV permits main vertex fits with no decays to be done. This is needed for kaon (or any other) fits with no 2-gamma decays. NoSecondaryVertices turns off secondary vertices (vees). NoMV turns off all main vertex fits. This is useful for producing histograms of (decay) effective masses from a data set which has already gone through an hypothesis selection (see the S and A switches).