How to unpack the RAW data
Include files and libraries
Below is the list of related include files:
Below is the list of necessary libraries:
- libUtil.a
- libdata.a
- libalarm.a
- libXrm.a
Initialization (once per run)
The following code has to be executed once per run:
int runNo; // current run number
To unpack an event (once per event)
The following code has to be executed to unpack an event:
itape_header_t *event; // pointer to the event buffer
int eventsize; // size of the event buffer
Note that the event buffer should be large enough to accomodate
the largest possible event (currently BOS and EOS events).
The suggested buffer size is 200 Kbytes.
CO 1995-15-17
updated: CO 1996-02-17