E852 Documentation: Software: Map Manager

E852 Documentation: Software: Map Manager

General information

The Map Manager subsystem was created by Thom Sulanke from Indiana University.

The code resides in the '~e852/source/Map' subsystem.


The documentation currently available is:

man pages produced by Thom Sulanke:
include files:
WWW documents produced by automatically by docc (make-target "doc"):
Mapmanager routines
FORTRAN interface to Mapmanager routines

Additional Tools


The xmapbrowser tool is an X11/Motif based program to look and edit information stored in map manager files. For more information contact Const Olchanski.

map_putXXX, map_getXXX

I also have a set of routines to extract/store ascii and numeric data from text files from/into the map manager files. Contact me (Const Olchanski). for more information.

See also the param.h incude file.

E852 Map Manager Files

The E852 Map manager files are located in $E852_CONFIG/maps area.

Most Map Files are indexed by Run Numbers.

Currently we have the following Map Files:

The map file contains LGD geometry/setup/etc parameters (*not* the calibration). Contact Rob Lindenbusch for more information.
The CSI calibration file. Subsystems: 'calibration', Items: 'intercept' and 'slope' give the conversion between ADC counts and energy in the CSI cristals. Contact Todd Adams for more information.
Various configuration files. The subsystem 'db-files' contains a collection of '.db' files with parameters, configurations and other junk. Contact Const Olchanski for more information.
Calibration for the 9x9 blocks LGD (Summer-93 Run) Contact Const Olchanski for more information.
ADC pedestals. Subsystems: the subsystem names correspond to the Fastbus addresses of ADCs. Each subsystem contains 'average' - the average pedestal, 'max' and 'min'- the maximum and minimum ADC value read during the pedestal run, 'n' - number of pedestal events, 'sigma' - width of the pedestal distribution, 'threshold' - the zero-suppression threshold downloaded into the ADC. Contact Const Olchanski for more information.
MPS wire chambers parameters. Each subsystem corrsponds to a wire chamber (beam chambers, TPXes, MPS drift chambers and TDX4). Each chamber has a set of parameters such as 'offset', 'exclude list', 't0', 'drift velocity', etc. These parameters are extracted in 'Tracking/space.c' file, which is the ultimate documentation on this map file. Most of the data in this map file is generated by the MPS alignment program. Contact Const Olchanski for more information.

Additional information about space.Map is available here.

TCYL calibration and parameters. Organised by chambers ('A' through 'D'). For each cylinder, stored are: 'adc_min' and 'adc_max' define the ADC window, 'tdc_min' and 'tdc_max' define the TDC window, 'amin' and 'amax' define the z-position calibration. Contact Const Olchanski for more information.

end file

original: CO somewhen
revised: somebody somewhen many times
revised: CO 1995-03-16